Researchers discover swine flu vaccine causes narcolepsy

(NaturalNews) A team of Swedish clinicians have clinically linked a 2009 swine flu vaccine to increased risk of narcolepsy in young adults, and a group of Danish researchers now understand how and why.

Pandemrix, an influenza vaccine unleashed in 2009, was widely administered to combat H1N1, or swine flu, in multiple countries. As reports of people experiencing sleep disturbances mounted, the vaccine manufacturer, GlaxoSmithKline, and organizations like the CDC scrambled to isolate the problem. But the manufacturer continues to pander, saying “Further research is needed to determine whether the observed risk is related to the vaccine, environmental effects, genetic factors, other factors or a combination of them.”

But now Swedish clinicians are linking GlaxoSmithKline’s 2009 Pandemrix vaccine to immune-related neurological diseases, including increased risk of developing narcolepsy in young adults.

Using data from regional vaccination and national health registries that encompassed 61 percent of the Swedish population and seven healthcare regions, the Swedish researchers conducted a population-based prospective cohort study, as they keyed in on the health consequences of the swine flu vaccine.

While an association couldn’t directly be made to immune and neurological diseases, the researchers did find a distinct correlation between the vaccination and narcolepsy starting in individuals younger than 20 years of age. The trend grew more steadily in adults between the ages of 21 and 30.

Dr. I. Persson from the Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, confirms, “The follow-up of Pandemrix vaccinations in a large registry based study in Sweden confirms an increased risk of narcolepsy in children and adolescents, while also providing reassuring results for a large number of other neurological and immune related diseases.”

GlaxoSmithKline responsible for hundreds of sleep-deprived, neurologically damaged individuals

Narcolepsy, which is a chronic neurological disorder, is characterized by the brain’s inability to regulate normal sleep-wake cycles. People affected do not receive restful, restorative sleep. Without normal sleep patterns, people are more easily stressed during regular day-to-day activities and have a more difficult time remembering.

Pandemrix, manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline, contains an oil-in-water emulsion adjuvant called ASO3. This adjuvant is added to vaccines to accelerate the body’s immune response to that vaccine. Pandemrix was not used in the US but was administered to over 31 million people in Europe in its heyday. GlaxoSmithKline received details of over 900 people from 14 countries who were cursed with vaccine-induced narcolepsy. The European Health Protection Agency found that one person out of every 55,000 jabbed with the vaccine developed serious narcolepsy, disabling people’s ability to sleep, learn, cope and think.

Since 2010, The CDC has received official reports from the United Kingdom’s Health Protection Agency, showing evidence linking Pandemrix to increased diagnoses of narcolepsy in children in England, Scandinavia, Finland and other countries who implemented the vaccine en masse.

Why isn’t GlaxoSmithKline being held responsible?

Danish researchers find out how and why the vaccine wreaks its havoc on a person’s sleep cycle

The adjuvants in vaccines are designed to accelerate the human immune system. This causes immune cells to attack specific nerve cells in the brain that are responsible for regulating healthy sleep patterns.

Birgitte Rahbek Kornum, senior researcher from the Department of Diagnostics at Glostrup Hospital in Denmark says, “It has long been suspected that narcolepsy is caused by the immune system attacking some specific nerve cells in the brain, thus destroying the brain’s ability to regulate the sleep pattern. Our study confirms this suspicion, as we have figured out which cells in the immune system are responsible for the attack.”

He continues, “The immune system can become confused when two molecules are very similar. Our studies show that parts of H1N1 are similar to hypocretin, the neuropeptide in the brain that regulates sleep.”

“If a person’s immune system contains the cells that we have identified as the culprits behind narcolepsy and comes into contact with either H1N1 or the vaccine against H1N1, the immune system’s response can become activated and the disorder can develop.”


Scientist exposes flu shots lies and doom-and-gloom media propaganda

(NaturalNews) The mainstream media has utterly abandoned science in the push for more flu shot propaganda, entirely failing to mention any of the risks associated with vaccines. According to nearly every story published in the mainstream media, flu shot vaccines offer almost certain protection against the flu while carrying absolute zero risk (risk is never mentioned).

Such a position is utterly anti-scientific. All medical interventions carry inherent risk, and this is especially so when vaccines admittedly contain mercury, MSG, formaldehyde and aluminum, all potent neurotoxic chemicals or heavy metals.

This is why vaccines routinely cause seizures in children, fevers, vomiting, comas and even death. The risk of this becoming known to the public is so great that a private, unconstitutional court called the “vaccine court” was established in order to pay off parents of vaccine-damaged children while requiring them to sign non-disclosure agreements to force them into silence. (Click here to see the astonishing video revealing this.)

Media stories that don’t mention flu shot risks are irresponsible and may cause harm to the public

Any media source that publishes an article pushing flu shots without offering a reasonable discussion of the inherent risk from doing so is acting in a highly irresponsible manner, potentially putting millions of children in harm’s way. Yet mainstream media journalists routinely fail to discuss any risks whatsoever of vaccines, almost as if such risks did not exist.

These journalists are either scientifically illiterate and not aware of such risks, or they are actively deciding to censor such discussions from their stories, thereby conspiring with the vaccine industry to keep the public ignorant of a medical intervention which may cause them serious harm or death. Such actions are highly unethical and smack of a complete lack of journalistic professionalism.

Watch the new Health Ranger video explanation

To learn more about flu shot propaganda, media lies and the abandonment of real science by the vaccine industry, watch this new screencast video I just posted:


Heart Breaking sh it : Photos of Baby Dying after Receiving BCG Vaccine



Infant’s body atrophies after getting BCG vaccine [against tuberculosis], CDC says it is a case study

“I thought you were going to be another one of life’s miracles, but closing my eyes, all I can hear is the sound of my heart breaking…” lamented a mother as she held her child who has been given a death sentence from a serious disease.

At the [Zhejiang Province] Anji County’s Dipu town clinic, lying in his mother’s arms, Little Ruirui opens his eyes, an IV drip hanging from his foot. He couldn’t possibly know what disease he has contracted, and all he feels is suffering.

7-month old Little Ruirui has already received several months of treatment at Hangzhou, Shanghai, and other places, but because [his family] couldn’t afford the expensive treatment costs, on May 5th, he has once again returned to Dipu. Now, he has lost his hair, his muscles loose, his head and body even shedding layers and layers of skin.

The Shanghai city Public Health Clinical Center diagnosed him with acute bronchial pneumonia, septicemia, pulmonary infection, disseminated BCG [tuberculosis] disease, hyper-IgE syndrome, and a zero-chance of curing him. A life that hasn’t yet begun has already entered its final moments.

2011 May 19th noon, devastating news arrives.

Little Ruirui in the end had no options for escaping the disease, and at around 11:20 passed away. Before having a chance to enjoy any of life’s happiness, he hastily left.

I am at the hospital at this time, at child’s side keeping him company, and not in much of a mood to write anything. I just want to post the photos, so that everyone can feel for a moment what is called tragedy, a tragedy that should never have happened to an innocent and lovely child.

From 19Lou:

Probabilty is only 0.19~1.56 out of 1 million, provincial health department expert yesterday answers questions related to the Anji “Atrophied Baby”
Disseminated BCG disease is extremely rare, normal children need not worry

The Chinese news report mentions that Little Ruirui has passed away and that there is a lot of public anger and concern regarding BCG vaccinations. Health departmentrepresentatives explain that what happened to Little Ruirui is due to an immune system defect, and that the probability for something similar happening due to the vaccine for normal children is very rare.

Deadly Vaccine Kills 8 Infants; Drug Maker Says Deaths “Coincidental”

Eight babies in China have died in the past two months shortly after being injected with the Hepatitis B vaccine, according to an article in the New York Times. The deaths are being investigated and linked to vaccine manufacturer Kangtai Biological Products (BioKangtai). [1]

The Hepatitis B vaccine is now suspended until further notice.

Some of the details have not been released, however from what we do know, the infants died two days or less after being vaccinated. [2]

But, there’s more to the story.

Deaths Are “Coincidental”

What is even more disturbing is the well-rehearsed script given to media outlets.

For example, the Mail Online reports, “In a statement earlier this month, the company [BioKangtai] said it was confident in the safety of its products and that the deaths could be caused by underlying diseases that were incubating in the babies and coincidentally started showing symptoms after the inoculations.” [3]

Contrary to this ignorant statement by the pharmaceutical company, one father was told by doctors his child was in good condition shortly after being born. The baby died about an hour after being injected with the Hepatitis B vaccine. [4]

Your Child is the 1-in-a-Million

Of course, due to public backlash, the Spin Doctors must react quickly to prevent any breach of confidence in the vaccination program.

The China Daily cites Jia Jidong, of Beijing Friendship Hospital, saying, “Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent newborns from hepatitis B even if it, like all other medical procedures, is never risk free,” and that, “The hepatitis B vaccine is safe…The incidence of very severe abnormal reactions is one in every 100,000, one in every 1 million or even lower.” [5]

This person is obviously parroting what is learned in medical school, or possibly even paid to stay on message like doctors are in the United States. [6-9]

Many parents have heard similar mantras about their child being “one in a million” repeated to them when it is obvious a vaccine has injured their baby. Don’t believe it.

You can see this evidence for yourself by visiting Vaccine Adverse EventsReporting System (VAERS) or visiting the website Ian’s Voice. [10,11]


The simple truth is this: there is no safe vaccine and you can never unvaccinate your child. If you live in the United States, be aware that the court systems have protected the vaccine manufacturers from any legal liability.

As a parent, you take on all of the risk of vaccinating your child. Death or mutilation from a vaccine is an acceptable sacrifice for the medical establishment to keep the gears turning.

If you are saddened or frustrated by what happened in this article, turn your feelings into action and help your own child. You may not know these parents by name, but you still can help.

Download the list of vaccine ingredients right now and see for yourself what is being injected into your baby. Share your experience with others and tell other parents about these resources.



