WiFi banned from pre-school childcare facilities in a bold move by French government

(NaturalNews) The French National Assembly has adopted a bill to limit exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) generated by wireless technologies – cell phones, tablets, Wi-Fi etc. This bill will mean the following:

• A ban on Wi-Fi in all childcare facilities for children under the age of 3.
• Cell phone manufacturers will have to recommend the use of hand-free kits.
• A ban on all advertising targeting children under 14.

Children’s exposure a cause for concern

Children’s EMF exposures are a particular cause for concern. Studies show that children’s brains can absorb up to three times as much radiation compared to adults.

A recent International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) report suggested that EMF exposures can be more devastating in children because their:

• Brain tissue is more conductive.
• Skull is thinner.
• Smaller brains and softer brain tissue allows radiation to penetrate more effectively.
• Potentially longer period of exposure due to use beginning at an earlier age.

This new French bill seems to have taken these concerns into account.

Principal sources of exposure to EMFs

EMFS are widespread in our daily environment. Anything electrical creates an electromagnetic field. According to the French national Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Safety (ANSES):

• The biggest source of EMF exposure by far are cell phones.
• Cell towers exposures are developing very rapidly with the deployment of 4G, but average exposure is well below that of phones.
• Electrical power lines, transformers and railway lines are also sources of EMFs.
•Wireless devices in our personal environment expose us to radiofrequency EMFs: computers and tablets, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and electronic chips, as well as fluorescent lights, microwave ovens, induction hotplates and washing machines.

French National Agency calls to limit EMF exposures

ANSES now urges “limiting exposure of the population”, particularly to cell phones. It also encourages the use of an earpiece.

ANSES already rang the alarm bell in October 2013. After evaluating more than 300 international studies, the agency published a report highlighting the biological effects of EMFs on humans and animals concerning sleep, male fertility and cognitive performance.

A spokesperson for ANSES stated that “the massive development of technologies relying on radiofrequencies, leading to intensive exposure of the population, specifically more sensitive persons, which cannot be avoided”. They went on to say that the deployment of 4G “will be accompanied by increased exposure of the public”.

Lower exposure limits adopted in Europe

French exposure limits are based on a 2002 decree. They are set at 61 volts per meter (V/m) for 3G and 4G, the same as in the USA. The Council of Europe recommends an exposure limit of 0.6 V/m, some 100 times lower.

Switzerland and Liechtenstein and eight Member States of the European Union (Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Slovenia) have adopted more restrictive limits than those of France.

Progress for electrosensitives

In Europe there is a growing recognition of the plight of persons suffering ill health from exposure to electromagnetic fields, a condition known as electrical hypersensitivity or electrical sensitivity. This new bill requires that the French government provides Parliament with a report detailing “the opportunity to create areas of limited electromagnetic radiation, notably in the urban environment”. It also requires that the conditions of electrosensitives by taken into account in the workplace.

Though this bill has to be adopted by the French Senate for it to made into law, clearly this bill reflects the buildup of public opinion in France and other European countries that EMF exposures are dangerous and the public needs protecting. How long before US public opinion is successful in introducing similar protective legislation?


Bhutan To Be First Country to Go 100% Organic

If there was ever a nation that could see the purpose behind organic, sustainable farming, it would be a nation that is composed mostly of farmers. Such a place does exist, and it soon may be the first nation to go 100% organic, paving the way for others to do the same on a global scale. The Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan is known for a high level of citizen happiness, but it is doing something even more noteworthy in the near future. With Prime Minister Jigmi Thinley making a major announcement regarding the organic farming project at the Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development which took place last month, the move has made national headlines. It’s called the National Organic Policy, and it is fueled by the simple concept that working ‘in harmony with nature’ will yield the most powerful results — all without sacrificing human health or the environment.

What this comes down to is no GMO, no pesticides, no herbicides, no fluoride-based spray products, no Monsanto intrusion at all, and a whole lot of high quality food available for the 700,000 citizens of Bhutan. Food that, at one time, was simply called ‘food’. In the statement to other policy makers, Prime Minister Jigmi Thinley explained the move:

“By working in harmony with nature, they can help sustain the flow of nature’s bounties.”

Bhutan’s land currently supplys most corn, rice, fruits, and some vegetables, and it is perfectly positioned to begin developing 100% organic farming. In addition to containing a population that is mostly farmers, it also has extremely rich lands that are truly beyond what many consider organic.
Some lands in Bhutan have not even been touched with harsh chemicals of any kind, and traditional techniques are utilized to produce high yields without Monsanto dipping into the pockets of family farmers. This is in sharp contrast to India’s farming community, which has been shafted by Monsanto and subsequently nicknamed the ‘suicide belt‘ due to the rampant suicides that can be blamed in part by Monsanto-induced financial ruin.
Australian adviser to Bhutan, Andre Leu, explains:

“I don’t think it’s going to be that difficult given that the majority of the agricultural land is already organic by default.”

The shift is certainly inspiring, but it also reminds us about the true lunacy of designating foods as ‘organic’ and ‘traditional’ in modern society. These Bhutan farmers are not growing magic beans or enchanted corn, they are growing real food. Actual food as it was grown for thousands of years. It’s only now, with the advent of ways in which we can toxify our crops, do we value organic as if it were some privilege or act of class. When it comes down to it, we just want real food.

– See more at: http://beyondblindfold.com/bhutan-to-be-first-country-to-go-100-organic.html#sthash.l8a8HL97.dpuf




His web site may consist of just a single page, but Matt Drudge is arguably the most influential media personality in the world. Garnering nearly one billion readers monthly, the Drudge Report is able to literally shift public sentiment, making it an essential read for D.C. insiders, Wall Street professionals, and anyone who wants to stay on top of the latest global issues.

If Matt Drudge headlines a story its viral spread to millions of readers in near real-time is guaranteed.

With his established connections to critical spheres of influence that include everything from politics and government to finance and entertainment, when Drudge speaks, people listen.

Over the weekend, as noted by Steve Quayle and Susan Duclos, the self made media behemoth took to his Twitter account with a simple warning consisting of just four words… Have an Exit Plan

Drudge included no other details with his Tweet.

The warning, while cryptic, may be the result of direct insider information. Considering he once nearly brought down the Clinton administration by revealing the President’s indiscretions with a White House intern, one could make the case that if anyone has legitimate sources pouring in from across the world it’s Matt Drudge.

Could his warning be for stock market investors regarding foreknowledge of an imminent collapse of financial markets in the United StatesChina and Europe?

Or has Drudge’s access to insiders in key positions given him the ability to connect the dots for an event that may occur in the near future? Few may recall, but just three weeks ahead of the September 11th attacks, Drudge headlined warnings of possible strikes on US-based targets, so there may well be a credible insider source for his most recentwarning as well.

In recent years the mogul has expanded his news distribution service to  include alternative news powerhouses like Alex Jones’ Infowars, which researches and analyzes key events and happenings globally. As of late, Drudge has made it a point to link to a variety of topics at Infowars that include the militarization of America’s domestic policing apparatus, Constitutional transgression at the highest levels of our government, and other insider reports often ignored by the mainstream media. While establishment news media shuns the rapidly growing alternativemedia, a warning to “have an exit plan” is one that the alternative news sphere has consistently suggested, while often being laughed at in mainstream circles.

Given Drudge’s massive following, reach, and credibility, perhaps we shouldn’t be laughing any more.

Something has spooked Matt Drudge and he’s not alone. Last year one of America’s leading talk show hosts, Mark Levin, warned that the U.S. government has been simulating the collapse of our financial system and society with the potential for widespread violence. There are countless such examples of highly influential media personalities who are issuing similar warnings.

Within the realm of the alternative media, the last several years have yielded incredible insights into the inner workings of the U.S. government, political system and economic machinations. Everything from manipulations of our monetary system to the sometimes unbelievable expansion of the American police state has been extensively studied and reported by thousands of independent journalists, broadcasters and bloggers operating outside of the mainstream establishment’s sphere of influence.

There have been insider reports indicating that a crisis of unprecedented magnitude is coming to the United States. Contrarian economists, who are almost completely ignored by mainstream media, have warned of dire consequences to the continued operation of our systems of commerce, including our domestic food distribution networks. And though it has not been reported on the alphabet news channels, the U.S. military has been actively war gaming collapse scenarios and engaging in highly suspicious exercises across U.S. metropolitan areas.

While Matt Drudge’s latest comments could be referring to anything, given the types of stories he’s covered in recent years we could make the case that he is referring to worst-case scenarios.

His exit plan warning may encompass any number of potential scenarios such as a coming shock to financial markets, evacuating major cities in an emergency, preparing for the destruction of our currency, or having a way to get out of the United States in the event of a Soviet-style purge.

Whatever the case, Matt Drudge understands that his views and comments are followed by hundreds of millions of people worldwide, thus we are confident that he would not publicly issue such a warning unless he has access to credible information that supports his claims.

That being said, we urge readers to remain vigilant. And, in the off chance that some terrible event is in our near future, we strongly suggest having a preparedness plan that includes emergency food storagebarter suppliesmedicinesprecious metals, and astrategic relocation plan in case you are forced to evacuate your current residence.

Mac Slavo is the Editor of SHTFplan.com
