Monique Norton cures her breast cancer JUICE RAW FRUITS AND VEGETABLES

When cancer happened to me, there was nothing like this on the web. In fact my story happend ALL ON MY OWN. But have since shared it with hundreds of people.

1. Testimony: In 1992 I was told the hard 1 1/2″ lump in my breast was cancer. But God was telling me in my heart, “Monique, cancer does not kill. Fear does!” – and there began my journey into discovery of exactly what this lump represented, and how to fight it.
Today, 21 years later, I am a fit 72 year old!

I’d read many, many books on various health diets, Macrobiotics, John Mills, Eat Yourself Fit to name just three, and all offered a bit of info here and there, and I increased knowledge by researching wherever I could: Niels Yard, local public library, bookshops, internet (that wasn’t as advanced yet), writing to the writers of those books… I wrote to sufferers who’d overcome and come out the other end. My daughter helped me in the search in Switzerland, Austria, Australia etc. and having collated information that never contradicted but just completed my conclusions, here it is :

Cancer is not “you”. It just happens to live in you. matter of fact, it’s a squatter, a parasite. that is terribly important because as such, “you” never feed it. there is no connection between your healthy cells and these mutant cells, and like the tramps in London street, they eat from the garbage cans in your body.

Every day our wonderfully made body dispose of any damaged, diseased, broken down, old cells and flush them down the system. every human body has those, it is a harmless and actually a healthy, powerful procedure that the body undertakes to stay clean and strong. those “half cells” cannot multiply again but still have this programmed into their system, but in their last desperate effort they’ll try and attach themselves to another “half cell” to form a new one and if they succeed, they are ready to double, quadruple etc. and form a small colony of cells. that, too, happens all the time in our body and our body being so wonderfully made, is quite capable of killing off such small rebellion and flush them down the system!

Like a good factory, or machine, our bodies are able to regulate, balance, clean, soothe the daily assaults it gets from our modern life. pollution, wrong food habits, stress at work, (to the main stresses: moving house, new marriage, or divorce, new job, bereavement, broken heart, survival in difficult situations etc. you may as well add the stress coming from fear, unforgiveness, frantic ambition, vanity, greed, obsessions of kinds, negative and pessimistic attitude as well as the bombardment of knowledge (Internet, media, etc.) and noise. the nicest and best protected person in the world will have moments where the body just can’t fight any more and to start with we would get all sorts, flu, colds, etc.

Now that little population of cells that has started all their own is an illegal immigrant in the body, worse, those cells are scavengers, trying to survive and thrive in “foreign territory” (our body) as best they can!

Now the bad news : They do find food in us. Any manipulated foods which I call “dead foods”, is really garbage to us, and good to the cancer cells; raw, healthy, natural foods that have been manipulated to bits by cooking, re-cooking, drying, freezing, packaging etc. by the time they reach our pallets: biscuits, cakes, tin foods, drinks, actually even milk, bread, joghurt, ham, chocolate and cheese since all these have been tampered with by man in order to keep them fresh longer. Not wrong in themselves at all, but unfortunately – food for the scavenger population. speaking of ham, protein is what cancer cells would like best, so meat and dairy foods are out from the start!

But the good news: ANY JUICE FROM FRESH, RAW FOOD is like no food at all to them, they don’t recognise it as food, it’s like plastic or concrete to us which is no food for us, they won’t and they can’t touch it! if all you would be eating was JUICE made of raw foods (vegetables, fruit) – which is the best food and nourishment for you anyway! for some 40 days , any amount of cancer population would die of starvation. but most of the time it doesn’t even need that long, as the body takes over when the population has dwindled to a mere ordinary size.

And the best news, the juice of fresh beetroot and carrot juice have beta carotene in them that in themselves will form a membrane around oxygen in such a manner that this oxygen will reach the spot intact where the cancer is – and oxygen is a KILLER of cancer cells! (I am speaking in “children’s language” here, but sure you’ll get the meaning of it).

Having found all this, I immediately took to eating just raw vegetables and fruit and already a copule of weeks on, I was feeling like on top of the world and getting strong, and that is when through a lady in Switzerland I came across the book by Rudolf Breuss. I’ll give you an outline here of what he says but please buy the book. you will be able to live by it and sort your life out and stop this cancer nonsense. I myself, asked my doctor to give me three weeks before I’d get under the knife and he let me, and after the three weeks I went to see him and said “look, the cancer is gone! I don’t need to be operated any longer!” and he felt it and said oh no Monique, you’re just emotional, I understand it worries you so, the 1 1/2″ inches are still there, let’s quickly operate.

I wanted to trust him. I had no-one but my daughter and this book, and even the Bach Center in Bristol spoke of baby things like don’t wrap your food in plastic and use only vinegar for washing your hair and all that nonsense that really, if I wanted to go bananas and worry about health, it would just be the right way to go about worrying in every little bit of my daily routines. yes in themselves they have a place and you do good to study all these theories but guess what, they change all the time.

Also the hospital had shown me some aggressive response to what I was doing, and as a person, I am just not made to “fight for my rights”, that would have killed me quicker than the cancer so I said “Ok why not, I shall go for the operation.” As it happens it was a blessing because three people gave their lives to Jesus and one of them was a lady that was in such poor health she died the next day, but in peace. So it was all worth it.

When it was all over, Mr Powis, I think he was called (They don’t call surgeons doctor) sat at my bed and said 1 1/2″ was what we had seen on the X-ray when you first came to us, and 1 1/2″ is what we found and operated out last night. We also took five lymph nodes from under your arm, you should have no cancer anymore, but to make sure, we’ll send you to radiotherapy in six weeks time”. So I was content and believed him.

Six weeks later when I went to see this sweet man the radiotherapist, he looked at my documents, looked up and said “So you’re the lady that caused such a stir in the hospital!” and I said “Why?” and he said “They had recorded a hard 1 1/2″ lump in your breast but when they operated, they only found traces of it!”

So here is a little write-up of all you need to know about the Breuss Juice but if you find such uncomfortable, the fight doesn’t begin and end with this. there are loads more powerful “helpers” that will get you safely on your way .

1. Breuss Juice

When a book has sold over 900,000 copies, been translated into five languages, purports to describe a simple and effective healing prescription for most cancers and boasts of over 45,000 testimonials from cured sufferers…. well….one has to at least sit up and take notice!

Hilde Hemmes: “What convinced me most about the book, apart from the simple and effective cures, were the convincing testimonials written by those who were cured of disease” said Hilde. “Over 45,000 people attest to the fact that Breuss ‘s simple treatment had cured them, often after they had been ‘given up’ by the orthodox medical establishment. This evidence was hard to ignore! I just had to let my herbal friends in Australia share with this man’s extraordinary gift for healing.”

Rudolph Breuss was a healer from Austria, an educated man who had an incredible understanding of, and love for, his fellow human beings. Born in 1899, he turned his attention to finding an alternative and more gentle treatment for cancer and other diseases than that offered by conventional medicine. It was a simple German book written over 300 years previously that expounded the value and use of fruit and vegetable juices which was to capture his attention and direct his work for the rest of his life.

Breuss maintained that cancer, whenever it occurs in the body, feeds and grows from protein. He therefore deduced that if one fasted for what has now been confirmed as an ideal period of 42 days, during which various herbal teas and juices are taken to detoxify, cleanse and eliminate, the cancer would starve, be absorbed and subsequently pass out of the body one way or another. Radical thinking that flew in the face of the accepted medical wisdom, but is now used all over the world and known as the Breuss Total Cancer Treatment.

Raw fruit and vegetable juices have always been used and recommended in natural medicine as part of the healing system for many ailments and chronic complaints. Raw juices contain antioxidants and living enzymes that science has identified as an imperative part of everyone’s diet if they wish to stay healthy and maintain a defense against all the toxins of today’s environment.

It is against this backdrop that Rudolf Breuss developed his Total Cancer Treatment, utilising the therapeutic properties of vegetable juices and herbal teas that have been implicated in the cure of many types of cancer.

The Breuss Tea mix and a specific mixture of organically grown carrot, beetroot, celery, Chinese radish and potato worked wonders on his patients. His mixture provided, in liquid form, all of the minerals and vitamins required by the body during the 42 day fast, whilst the body’s own resources are used in dealing with the diseased tissue. Testimonial after testimonial confirmed that his treatment worked.

The same blend of the Breuss Vegetable Juice is used in all manners of diseases, taken for a lesser period of time or with food, depending on the severity of the condition. Breuss’s book outlines cures for a variety of ailments – serious and those not so serious.

Various cancers, leukaemia and prostate disorders – even hay fever and infertility – have a cure according to Breuss!

When he was in his eighties, Breuss was taken to court by the Austrian medical fraternity who considered his simple and inexpensive cure to be too simple and inexpensive! He was acquitted when his defense lawyer, a cancer sufferer cured by Breuss, presented an entourage of cured patients who all attested to the success of his Total Cancer Treatment. The Austrian President, Rudolf Kirchschlaeger, even intervened on his behalf!

It is easy to see why Hilde Hemmes was so inspired when she heard his story. “Rudolf Breuss was a shining example of what a natural healer should be and he has been an inspiration to me. I have tried his six day vegetable and herbal tea cleansing diet and recommend that everyone should give their bodies a rest every six months. I felt absolutely fantastic and re-energised” said Hilde, who often works 14 hours a day.

The Breuss juice vegetable juice consists of

55% raw red beet root (300 grams)
20% raw carrots, (100 grams)
20% raw celery root (100 grams)
3% raw potato (about a 1″ cube)
2% raw radishes (30 grams black radish)

Cancer can only live on the protein of solid food. Therefore, if you drink nothing but vegetable juice and teas for 42 days the cancerous tumor dies off while the body continues to do well.

You can buy the bottled Bruess Juice in Health Stores but this therapy is more powerful when done with either homemade juices. Try and obtain organic vegetables, especially the red beet root.

Do not drink more than half a liter a day.

The potato is optional except for liver cancer where it plays an important part.

Put all these vegetables through a juicier and make sure to dispose of the dry sediments. Any solids may provide a breeding ground for cancer. Before starting the cure try one quarter liter of juice per day with your normal meal. Take this juice by the spoonful. Don’t swallow right away and salivate it well.

The instructions are to take one half cup of cold kidney tea first thing in the morning.

Then 30 to 60 minutes later take two cups warm herb tea made from St. John’s Wort, Peppermint and Lemon Balm. After another 30 to 60 minutes take a little vegetable juice and salivate well before swallowing.

Fifteen to 30 minutes later take another sip of vegetable juice. You should take some juice 10 to 15 times throughout the morning but only when you feel like it.

In between, drink warm or cold sage tea without sugar, as much as you like. At noon take one half cup of kidney tea and again before retiring at night. In the afternoon take a few sips of tea.

Any liquid should be sipped and well salivated. Kidney tea should be taken only during the first three weeks of the treatment. Along with this and throughout the time of therapy drink one cup of cold Cranesbill tea (geranium robertianum) per day.

Cranesbill contains a little radium. Sipping small quantities of tea and juice stimulates the flow of saliva and reduces the workload of the intestines.

For cancer of the bones and lungs, prepare a tea of Plantain (plantago major), Icelandic Moss, Lungwort, ground Ivy and Mullein. It does not matter if you can’t get them all.

Steep for 10 minutes and drink as much of this tea as you like, the more the better. In the case of tuberculosis you should also take one teaspoon of plantain seed along with a little water or tea.

During the complete treatment you should not take any food other than the vegetable juice mixture.

5 thoughts on “Monique Norton cures her breast cancer JUICE RAW FRUITS AND VEGETABLES

  1. I just had a bo- lateral mastectomy. I would have preferred an alternative method! The money and timing were against me so even tho I had been following a partially raw diet & lots of supplements I still had Stage I & II breast cancer. I am now going on a program to stop reoccurance. The cause was estrogen dominance which brings up many questions regarding medical care!

  2. Hello i live in france i was detected with a breast cancer in 2003 then again in 2008 under my arm as i was reading your story i was ungry at my doctors professors ,they never spoke about food or drinks i there thank you for these informations i am still taking some pills called femara since my operation 6years now does anyone knows of it because my bones are weak since i am taking them i am not as strong as i was ,i dont read much as i am buisy with my son detected also with a brain tumour which is in the spinal cord and still there even if he had radiotherapie and chimo today still has no balance but better thank you for any help someone could bring to us .aDesperate mother

    • I prayed for you & your son. God is the original healer. Ask him to give you wisdom & guidance in this matter. God bless both of you.

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